Better known as The Oracle of Los Angeles is a witch, a seer, a diviner, a channel, who started as an artist, Her earliest artworks were inherently imbued with the magic and witchcraft of her upbringing, and early audiences were drawn to her performance installations because of the artists presence as a channel. For Boil Toil & Trouble, the Oracle has been commissioned to create a a new ritual for the public that addresses the idea of the cauldron, as a wellspring to nourish our imagination. Based on a early myth about the creation of one of the world’s greatest poets, this new ritual takes the tinctures born from a witch’s cauldron as literal droplets of imagination, creation, and new ways of seeing. The work is not a performance as there are no spectators, only active participants, those that witness this ceremonial undertaking are party to magic ritual with the intent to alchemize and create transformation for those in the space.